2009년 3월 30일 월요일

Korea flag Tae-Guk-Ki

Korean flag is called tae-guk-ki. It was made in 1882, by Korea's king go-jong. There are four of colors in tae-guk-ki. red means sun, light, king, blue means moon, night and white means peace. four pack of black sticks have different meaning. These three sticks which are in the left top of flag mean sky, spring, east and father. Four sticks which are in the left bottom of the flag mean day (it could be seen as the sun), fall, south and son. Five sticks which are right top of the flag mean month(it could be seen as the moon), winter, north and daughter. Six sticks which are right bottom of the flag mean continent, summer, west and mother. King go-jong thought Korea is independent country, so we need our own flag. That is why he made korea flag by his hand. Now, Korea flag is getting popular in nomal fashion, sports stuff and even mug or plate in my country. I hope it is not temporary.

댓글 1개:

  1. This is very interesting. I always wondered what the bars mean. None of the other Koreans I have read so far included it in their descriptions. I was really curious.
